Trump’s Mercenaries Lead Assault Against Environment/American People

sue_for_victory_poster-rb4f66633af804d6880458805341773a2_6z7_8byvr_512Even now that he’s president, Trump thinks he can get away with bullying people and groups.

Using his stable of mercenary lawyers and his new-found bully pulpit, Chump thinks he’s going to last for four-years.

It’s worked thus far, but he’s straining his legal resources with over 75 unresolved personal lawsuits, and defending himself against allegations of obstruction and colluding with the Russians during the 2016 election.

In his latest assault on our environment, Don the Con, unleashed his pack of soulless legal minions on Greenpeace over its part in protecting the Standing Rock Reservation from a corporate pipeline that threatens to pollute the native-Americans only water supply.

 Marc Kasowitz, his personal lawyer in the House and Senate investigations, has his own legal company and it’s representing Energy Transfer Partners (the pipeline owners).

Just so you know, Trump has $1 million dollars invested in the company’s stocks. Sound like a conflict of interest?

Of course, it is. Chump’s whole presidency has been a primer course in flaunting ethics, rules, and laws put into place to protect americans and our legal system. With his flock of legal vultures, Donny has been getting away with everything from not showing his taxes, to obstructing justice by interfering in the Russian/ Trump Campaign investigation.

The people who voted for Rump are going to suffer the most from his reluctance to lawfully continue funding the current healthcare plan when Congress failed to repeal or replace it.

 You know how much Hump cares about his core followers? He’s announced that he wants to let the whole healthcare system – Obamacare – fail. He hopes it’ll crash and spite everyone – including millions of Americans who didn’t vote for him.

But it all falls back to the way Bump parades through life – seeking adulation – and lashing out at anyone that doesn’t believe in his sick agenda. So he’s always kept a stable of hired mercenaries, leting them out like a pack of rabid dogs when things don’t go his way.

But the Orange Mango-In-Chief is going to reap his karma. As he defends Nazis and KKKer’s a seismic backlash is running through the country. When the investigations come to their conclusions, I don’t expect it to be good news for Donnie Little-Hands (his native-American name).

As It Stands, Chump’s motto has always been Sue For Victory, not Make America Great Again.









Silence is not Golden: Stand Up To ‘Unite the Right’ Rally

If we work together Love will trump Hate


Photo Author
Fibonacci Blue from Minnesota, USA

Update: 11:00 a.m. PST – State of emergency as white nationalist rally in Charlottesville turns violent

Thanks to Trump, the alt-rights national recruitment program in America is thriving.

Today, Neo-Nazis and KKKer’s will take over the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia. The event is being called “Unite the Right.” It’s a siren call to fascists, racists, Neo-Nazis, Klan members, and anarchists.

Organizers are expecting 1000 people to attend. Perhaps more, if their pre-rally recruiting did well. Some are calling it the biggest racist rally in recent memory.

While there have been dozens of far-right rallies since Trump’s election, this will be the first major, national rally run by the alt-right’s openly white nationalist wing. 

Charlottesville has seen multiple white nationalist rallies this year. The first, a May 2017 daytime event, was followed by a nighttime torchlight photo-op.

Led by alt-right poster boy Richard Spencer, attendees chanted Nazi slogans like “blood and soil.” The second, in July, was a KKK rally.

The white nationalist rallies have been ostensibly held to oppose the removal of a statue of former Confederate Army General Robert E. Lee. But don’t kid yourself; it’s not that the alt-right gives a tinker’s damn about history, but they do know how to exploit it for their agenda.

Some progressive groups will be there to counter-demonstrate. Hopefully, it won’t turn into a riot. Americans are not particularley happy right now with how things are going; the threat of a nuclear war with Korea, and Trump’s racist immigration policies have set the stage for a high level of tension right now.

The last thing this country needs is idealogical warfare turning into massive street fights across the country.

Counterprotests serve as an immediate denucication of a current event – like this hate rally – but they are not the answer to the problem. The answer lies in sharing the truth about these groups.

Exposing the hate in the alt-right movement is not hard to do. Countering it takes more than a one-off protest against a current event. Silence is not golden when it comes to opposing hate.

We all need to voice our oppostion to this wave of hate through whatever means are available to us. Nearly everyone has access to a computer and social media. We can all write our legislators and voice our opinion.

Finally, most importantly, we can all be examples of tolerance by the way we live, and how we interact with others.

As It Stands, call me old-fashioned…but I believe love trumps hate.



Things I Never Thought I’d See

I’ve seen the elephant, but nothing like this!


I use to watch The Twilight Zone, a television anthology series  created by Rod Serling.

The show pushed the limits of reality with psychological horrorfantasyscience fictionsuspense, and psychological thrillers, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist, and usually with a moral.

But as strange as Serling’s stories were they pale in the light of our 21st century realities.

Who would have thought America would some day be led by a racist man-child who thought it was okay to grab women’s vaginas?

Who would have thought America would become a laughingstock because we have a narcissist Liar-In-Chief leading us?

Who would have thought we’d be so close to a nuclear war with Korea? It’s a modern day Cuban missile crisis, but we have added the factor of two emotional stunted world leaders threatening each other.

Who would have thought that there would be a renaissance of racism in America in the 21st century, as the alt-right stepped into the lime light after Trump was elected?

Who would have thought that the American people would become so dumbed down by fake news that they would elect a greedy con man president?

Who would have thought something called the internet would change the world?

As It Stands, I’m 66-years old and have “seen the elephant as the oldtimers use to say, but nothing compares to today!


White House Stops Press Briefings, Refers Reporters To Fox and Friends


It’s official.

Since his presidency, Trump has watched Fox and Friends every morning before any security briefings, or news.

Republicans who have sworn fealty to his Orangeness in Office, have decided it’s time to fully submerge themselves in the administrations swamp.

House Republicans introduced a bill making it mandatory for all GOP members to watch Fox and Friends every morning before going about their day. The bill is expected to pass with the current GOP majority in the House and to move on to the Senate without any discussion.

Senate confirmation is a given.

White House staff members – especially the propaganda unit – are busy fighting all the fake news (everyone but Fox and Friends). By canceling all White House Press Briefings, Trump has taken another step to Make America Great again.

This is truly an exciting time for Americans. It’s been nothing but winning, winning, and more winning with Trump at the helm.

But wait! There’s more: All liberals will be required to wear a rainbow ID badge if Lying Ted Cruz has his way. He’s attached a rider to the Fox and Friends Bill that looks like it’ll go unchallenged.

As It Stands, you are now leaving the Twilight Zone, or just woke up from a nightmare!


Now What? Everyone’s on Vacation


One of the reasons that I have a blog is I like to write about politics.

But I’m up against a wall right now. Trump and Congress are on vacation, regardless of what Trump claims. That leaves less options. But there’s still news.

For example. 

A federal climate report says the United States is already feeling the effects of climate change, with temperatures rising dramatically over the last four decades.

That’s according to The New York Times, which acquired a draft copy of the report by scientists from 13 federal agencies. But don’t expect to see it.

Trump has made it clear he doesn’t believe in climate change. His administration is going to review the study and then make a recommendation. Do you want to guess what’s going to happen with that report?

It’s going to get filed in the round file, aka trash. That based upon what Trump has said and done, like getting out of the Paris Climate Accord which was signed by nearly every country in the world.

Here’s an perfect example of what science is up against: The Trump administration’s solution to climate change: ban the term

Moving on.

The U.S. is getting sucked into a nasty little war between the Philippine government and an ISIS affiliate who captured the city of Marawi. It’s a siege situation right now. We’ve given limited support thus far.

And on.

I read that USA Today is tracking Trump’s real estate deals, and readers are invited to help.

Since winning the Republican nomination, Trump’s businesses have sold at least 32 luxury condos and home lots for about $20 million to shell companies that shield the identities of buyers.

The identities of people paying Trump’s companies for real estate may come under a microscope as the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election expands his probe to examine Trump’s business transactions.

As It Stands, the best show in the house is always Trump, and our bumbling Congress.

Poem: The Statue of Liberty Wept Today

A tear splashed down from Lady Liberties eyes

as Trump adviser Stephan Miller told outright lies

about immigration and what she stood for

claiming Lady Liberty was a political whore

The snake spun tall tales for the white house press

where they came from was anybody’s guess

Spin snake, spin, smiling slyly at his narration

Denying it’s a racist legislation

Coming from a White House limiting immigration

if you don’t speak English in Trump’s new nation

you aren’t going to get confirmation

to come to America.



What Is Trump’s October Surprise?


Liar-in-Chief, Donald Trump, is preparing for an October surprise.

No, it has nothing to do with elections that are normally associated with the dictum. And no, it doesn’t have anything to do with Halloween. Then what, you ask?

Trump plans to sabotage the nuclear deal with Iran.

The plot began two weeks ago when Trump was forced to sign and certify that Iran was in compliance  with its end of the deal after the International Atomic Energy Agency had confirmed Tehran’s fair play.

According to  Foreign Policy, Trump threw such a temper tantrum in the Oval Office it took the adults in the room—Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, and National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster—to eventually calm him down on the condition that they double down on finding a way for the him to blow up the deal by October.

In summary, Trump has been advised to use the spot-inspections mechanism of the nuclear deal to demand access to a whole set of military sites in Iran.

Once Iran balks—which it will since the mechanism is only supposed to be used if tangible evidence exists that those sites are being used for illicit nuclear activities—Trump can claim that Iran is in violation, blowing up the nuclear deal while shifting the blame to Tehran.

According to The New York Times, the groundwork for this strategy has already been laid.

Here’s the takeaway:

The administration is committed to finding a way to claim Iran has violated the accord, regardless of the facts—just as George W. Bush did with Iraq.

As It Stands, I can’t help wondering what the rest of the world thinks about Trump’s plan to go to war with Iran, because it’s obviously no secret.


Kicking Back in the Dog Days of Summer


We are in the Dog Days of Summer.

The sultry summer heat has descended upon North America.

Depending on where you live, it’s probably pretty hot, perhaps humid, and in general uncomfortable outside right now.

For some, August heralds the end of summer vacation and a new school year ahead.

Here in America, it’s became proverbial among farmers that a dry growing season through the dog days was preferable to the trouble of a wet one:

Dog days bright and clear
Indicate a good year;
But when accompanied by rain,
We hope for better times in vain.

Why the dog days of summer, you ask?

Simply put, the Romans decided the sultry part of the summer was supposed to occur during the period that Sirius, the Dog Star, rises at the same time as the sun.

From July 3 to August 11, is traditionally reckoned to be a period marked by lethargy, inactivity, or indolence.

I’ve got all three covered.

It’s hotter than hell in Medford, Oregon right now. We’re looking at temperatures in the 100’s this week. For me, that means staying inside and not even trying to brave the scorching heat outside.

I sincerely pity those who have to work outside.


I think that the Dog Days of Summer should be a time when everyone takes off work.

I realize that could get messy, but maybe this country needs to kick back for awhile and just relax.

With all the fiery rhetoric coming out of Washington we could use a good cooling off period.

Molly, my pug, thinks it’s a good time to go surfing (see photo on top of page of pug surfing). Cowabunga dude!

As It Stands, wherever you choose to take your dog just remember, don’t leave them in the car!


Naked Ambition in America


The other day a friend asked my why so many billionaires are in Trump’s administration? It didn’t seem to make sense to him.

“It’s not the money” I explained. It’s naked ambition.

I gave him a recent example:

Citing “multiple sources,” The New York Post’s Page Six reported that Anthony Scaramucci’s (Trump’s new Communication director) wife, Deidre Ball, filed for divorce after three years of marriage because of Scaramucci’s efforts to get close to President Donald Trump.

Ball reportedly “despises” Trump, according to the Page Six report.

One source saidShe is tired of his naked ambition, which is so enormous that it left her at her wits’ end.” 

All one has to do is look at Trump’s billionaire boys club masquerading as a presidential cabinet to see what’s going on. Naked ambition. They have the money. Now they get to satisfy their lust for power.

What better example of naked ambition than Trump?

All I know is that naked ambition usually ends up badly for someone. In this case Trump and the American people. There are exceptions.

Speaking of Naked Ambition, you should read Lisa Martinovic’s account about streaking in 1974, during her second quarter at UC Berkeley. Quick and fun read.

There’s a new thriller out called “Naked Ambition,” by Rick Pullen. Quick intro:

“When newspaper reporter Beck Rikki receives an unsolicited call from a high-ranking government official sending him off to investigate a candidate for President of the United States, he doesn’t realize he’s stumbled onto the story of a lifetime.”

Still one more book worth reading for a good laugh is “Naked Ambition: Corporate Animals Stripped Bare” by Lawrence Basapa. Quick intro:

“A tongue-in-cheek look at different personalities in the corporate world, Naked Ambition will keep you wondering what games are afoot where you work, and who’s doing you in, even as you read.”

Hmmmmm…almost sounds kinda familiar. Like what’s happening today.

As It Stands, Cris Jami said it best, “Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live.”


WWWF White House Action Reports

Donald Trump, Vince McMahon, Bobby Lashley, Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWW Action 2009

Now that Washington DC is the new home for World Wide Wrestling Federation, politics has never been so entertaining.

Gorgeous Donny Trump, resplendent in gold tights, has been wrestling with Jumping Jiminy Cricket Jeff Sessions in a royal smack-down that started days ago, and has no end in sight.

Alt-right fans have loved the action thus far. This is what they paid for when they voted for Trump.

The rest of the country is looking on with fear and loathing.

Trumpanzees love the colorful cast of characters. The new punk on the block;  Mooch the Mauler taking on Paranoid Reince Priebus, and pinning him with vulgar insults, lies, and the backing of Gorgeous Donny. It was a winner-take-all match and Paranoid Priebus was blindsided.

Just days before, in an unscheduled event, Gorgeous Donny tag-teamed with the Mooch the Mauler and body slammed Mean Sean Spicer through the ropes.

He was last seen staggering down the White House driveway with a bloody nose and a torn-up contract.

And who can forget Gorgeous Donny’s death match against Too Tall James Comey? It was billed as Russia vs the USA. Their first match was declared a tie. Check with HBO to see who is broadcasting any further matches between the two wrestlers.

Rumors have it that Women’s Wrestling in the White House is just around the corner. First match; Killer Kellyanne Conway vs Sarah “The Beast” Huckabee Sanders. Stay tuned.

As It Stands, who knew that Trump’s early days with the WWWF would qualify him to be the next president of the United States?


Brandon Andress

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