Apocalypse Road

Everything was reduced to a survival mode

when mankind walked down Apocalypse Road

the journey was slow but sure

after each world war

until there were no more

and civilization broke down

in every city and town

leaving few humans around

and those that did survive

fought every day to stay alive

until the Apocalypse finally did arrive

no surprise


there’s still stars in the sky

and planets and meteorites

that still exist in forever nights

solar systems and galaxies

planets with water and trees

and life evolving mysteries

The Hitchhiker and the UFO

some people are meant to travel by whatever means

cars, trucks, buses, biking,

trains, planes, or hitchhiking

which was one man’s favorite mode

to take off a load

traveling free

across the country

was the only way to go

until one day when

the hitchhiker met a UFO

which offered him a ride

to wherever he wanted to go

so he took a quick tour of the galaxy

to see what wonders he could see

like the red dunes of Mars

and the shooting stars

with their ancient history

but the time soon came

to go back home again

with new traveling tales

of space and cosmic trails

The Scholar’s Story

Lex’s research was destroyed in a single day

what led to the discovery of his identity was a mystery

but the results were enough to betray

the trust he built up through the years

now in question

with the surprise discovery feeding fears

that Lex the scholar was an enemy spy

spying on their weaknesses

to exploit and make them comply

it was true he was from another race

however his intentions were peaceful

he was just creating a knowledge base

too late to explain

as people swarmed around

with no questions asked

viciously taking him down

Alien Gardens

have you ever wondered what will grow on Mars someday

when mankind lands on the planet’s harsh red clay?

in a distant future where humans can go anyplace

and are masters of planet-hopping in space

the alien landscapes will provide a place to grow

food and plants for any aficionado

the planet’s inhabitants teaching humans about their geography

opening up the doors to communication and community

imagine then a time of peace

lasting for eternity

Rebellion of the Clocks

time was lost when earth’s clocks rebelled

against constraints man’s science brought to bear

triggering deafening alarms and chimes everywhere

shattering clocks of every type and style

leaving broken timekeepers behind in a pile

of wristwatches

pocket watches

novelty watches

and other mechanical cousins

products of man’s efforts to capture time

such impunity

bending universal physics like salt water taffy

in order to control society

making people account for every hour of the day

and when to pray

until cosmic forces finally intervened

against the invention by human beings

Kangaroo Versus an AI Go Cart

the gods gathered one day to stage a race

between a Kangaroo and an AI Go Cart in Space

the track was located in the Milky Way

and the race was scheduled to last a day

the Kangaroo’s distant-eating hops set the pace

during the first few hours of the epic race

but the AI Go Cart went into another gear

soon it was watching the kangaroo in it’s rear mirror

to the delight of some of the gods gathered there

who had entered the longshot AI Go Cart on a dare!


Icarus flew too close to the sun and his wings melted, but mankind’s desire to fly through the ages withstood mythologies warning. Tales of the old gods slipped into oblivion and were translated into technology… opening the door for new gods to worship.

All powerful Thoth, the Ibis God, gave way to airplanes and spaceships…the spawn of the transformation and worshipped by mortals who love flight. The natural world shifted and birds (god’s messengers) shared the skies with machines.

Mankind’s lust for flight takes each spaceship further into the cosmos in an endless search for the furthest limits of universes. 



Eternity has teased the galaxies since the dawn of time, hinting at a false permanence among the stars, only to disappoint. Cosmic things keep changing.

Universal chaos is a constant in oxygen-deprived deep space where civilizations struggle to emerge among the primordial planets, with dreams of eternal bliss.

There is no end, and no beginning in eternity. It just is. A state of inter-galactic flux that favors no species. All struggle to survive while searching the heavens and praying to ancient gods among the constellations for immortality. Eternity.

Stellar souls sing songs of heaven, vainly courting eternity with diverse beliefs.

Brandon Andress

Author. Writer. Adventurer.


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