Another Time

a little girl singing in the spring meadows of your mind

her sweet voice soothing your soul with lyrics

from another time

a little boy playing with a toy on a snowy day

his childish antics in your mind’s eye

from another time

a young woman dancing in a play

her grace and beauty in full bloom

from another day

a young man indulging in harmless horseplay

his powerful muscles straining in the summer heat

of another day

an old woman knitting by a warm hearth of clay

her memories embroidered on blankets

from another day

an old man in a winter pathway

looking for his memories

from another day.


Don’t Look Back

when you hear the cry of wild wolves behind you

don’t look back

when walking on a dark forest’s floor you hear a roar

don’t look back

when unwanted memories haunt you

look ahead

don’t look back


plow ahead

with your dreams

who knows what the future brings?


In The Age of The Sage

long before the final war

when forests were still green

and the waters in the rivers

ran blue

there was an age of wisdom

when a sage made his debut

teaching people the right thing to do

he appeared before young and old

and those that were smart

soon did as they were told

he gave them laws to live by

stressing equality

but these laws they chose to defy

and the sage went back into the sky

and mankind discovered the horror of war

and nothing was the same anymore

In Retrospect

I think we can all agree

that hindsight is 20-20

the ability

to look back at history

and change it

is God’s domain

a power not found

in the human brain

in retrospect

there’s no re-does

a fact we need to accept

Brandon Andress

Author. Writer. Adventurer.


Wellness • Poetry • Life

The Light is On

Thoughts, Stories, The Poem

Dennis R. Hill

Donald Trump Is America's Biggest National Security Threat

Lucy Gan

The official blog of Lucy Gan

Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

Musings and books from a grunty overthinker



Wise & Shine

We exist to help people understand themselves.


Random thoughts -- My karma ran over my dogma. ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

Diary of a Gen-X Traveler

Traveling to experience places not just visit them!


Conceptual spaces: politics, philosophy, art, literature, religion, cultural history

Bombay Ficus

Running, Writing, Real Life Experiences & Relatable Content.


An Author just writing about Anxiety, Pain, Addiction, PTSD, and In Your Face Reality

Monkey's Tale

An Adventure Travel Blog

Simple Ula

I want to be rich. Rich in love, rich in health, rich in laughter, rich in adventure and rich in knowledge. You?