Frog Night Serenade

ribbit! ribbit!

went the big bullfrog

while sitting on a floating log

ribbit! ribbit!

in a basso tone

making the lady frogs groan

ribbit! ribbit! ribbit!

the bullfrog sang

before he suddenly sprang

ribbit! ribbit!

taking everything he had

to land smoothly on a lily pad

ribbit! ribbit! ribbit!

excited girl frogs were arrayed

waiting for the bullfrog’s serenade

ribbit! ribbit! ribbit!

sang the bullfrog under the light of the moon

while his delighted audience tried not too swoon

A Bird Jubilee

looking up at a beautiful blue sky

filled with flocks of busy birds

hearing an Orioles clear cry

a Veery Thrush’s sweet melody nearby

their acrobats in the sky

waterfall notes of tiny Wrens

flocks of feathered friends

Grosbeak’s melodic tones

White Geese’s harsh baritones

riding the winds currents

and the cross currents

sparrows sing joyfully

in a bird led jubilee

Anthropomorphism Blues

She sang like a nightingale to a murder of crows in the back rows while the rest of the audience froze

Singing those ‘ol Anthropomorphism Blues!

The chorus of cool cats backing her up took their que from people acting like animals in a zoo

Singing those ‘ol Anthropomorphism Blues!

Lion-hearted heroes chasing dastardly chickens in a deadly race while one weasel tears up the place with his bad-ass base

Singing those ‘ol Anthropomorphism Blues!

No one’s messing with the Monkey’s who are putting together their own blues band with a lead vixen vocalist for a one-night stand

Singing those ‘ol Anthropomorphism Blues!

The earthy sound of a trio of piglets grunting out the blues really brings out appreciative mews and moos

Singing those ‘ol Anthropomorphism Blues!

Brandon Andress

Author. Writer. Adventurer.


Wellness • Poetry • Life

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Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

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Wise & Shine

We exist to help people understand themselves.


Random thoughts -- My karma ran over my dogma. ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

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Conceptual spaces: politics, philosophy, art, literature, religion, cultural history

Bombay Ficus

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An Author just writing about Anxiety, Pain, Addiction, PTSD, and In Your Face Reality

Monkey's Tale

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Simple Ula

I want to be rich. Rich in love, rich in health, rich in laughter, rich in adventure and rich in knowledge. You?